SQL SQRT() Function

SQL SQRT() Function

The SQL SQRT() is a function, and returns Double specifying the square root of a non-negative number.

The SQL SQRT() function is supports only numeric column or an numeric field based expression and required number argument is a Double or any valid numeric expression greater than or equal to zero.

It can be used in SELECT statement as well in where clause.

You can also search these topics using sql sqrt function.

SQL SQRT() Syntax

For MySql / Microsoft SQL SERVER

// For Input Number or Expression Value
SELECT SQRT(valid_number);
// For Table Column
SELECT SQRT(Column_name) FROM table_name;

For Microsoft ACCESS

// For Input Number or Expression Value
SELECT SQR(valid_number);
// For Table Column
SELECT SQR(Column_name) FROM table_name;

SQL SQRT() Example - Using Expression Or Formula

The following SQL SELECT statement returns the absolute value of a given input number or expression

SELECT SQRT(4) AS 'Square Root Of 4';

The result of above query is:

Square Root Of 4

SQL SQRT() Function More Example

Input Value Result
SQRT(9) 3
SQRT(16) 4
SQRT(4.0) 2
SQRT(10) 3.16227766016838
SQRT(1.3) 1.1401754250991381
SQRT(5.675) 2.382225849914319

Sample Database Table - EmpInfo

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Vidyavathi Male 34 Ramnad
2 Harish Karthik Male 28 Mysore
3 Nirmala Female 32 Paramakudi
4 Varshini Kutty Male 26 Bangalore

SQL SQRT() Example - With Table Column

The following SQL SELECT statement find the square root of a given table column "ID" and "Age" from the "EmpInfo" table:

For MySql / Microsoft SQL Server

ID, SQRT(ID) AS 'Square Root Of ID',
Age, SQRT(Age) AS 'Square Root Of Age'
FROM EmpInfo;

For Microsoft ACCESS

ID, SQR(ID) AS 'Square Root Of ID',
Age, SQR(Age) AS 'Square Root Of Age'
FROM EmpInfo;

The result of above query is:

ID Square Root Of 'ID' Age Square Root Of 'Age'
1 1 34 5.8309518948453
2 1.4142135623731 28 5.29150262212918
3 1.73205080756888 32 5.65685424949238
4 2 26 5.09901951359278

SQL SQRT() Example - Using WHERE Clause

The following SQL SELECT statement find the square root value of a given input number for creating condition (less than or equal to the returned square root value) on table column "ID" from the "EmpInfo" table:


The result of above query is:

ID EmpName Gender Age City
1 Vidyavathi Male 34 Ramnad
2 Harish Karthik Male 28 Mysore

Note: The SQRT(4) function will return a value of "2". So now the result set contains and display records or rows which has ID less than or equal to "2" on column "ID" from the "EmpInfo" table.

You can also search these topics using sql server square root, number functions in sql, sql string to number, sql numeric functions, sql number of rows.